Chris Wood Returns for 100th Episode

When Winn Schott was confirmed to return from the Future, many of us asked, could that mean some other heroes from the Legion of Superheroes also make a return? Most notably, Melissa Benoist's husband and once co-star, Chris Wood's Mon-El? According to that is indeed the case and they have the photographic evidence to prove it! Among Wood returning, TVLine also confirms Sam Witwer (Agent Liberty) and Odette Anabelle (Reign) are also returning. Hit the link above to see the photos.

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Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Executive Editor/Owner
About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"


#24 RE: Chris Wood Returns for 100th EpisodeRH321 2020-02-18 23:33
Quoting Zoya:
I think this is not a surprise to anyone, and hopefully it is just a brief cameo and nothing more. the fact that they tried to keep it quiet is a sign that they know how controversial this is / will be and want to keep the negative reactions limited. I would have also preferred more focus on the OG cast but what can you do.

They wouldn't have sent two promotional images to TVLine if they were avoiding negative comments or whatever else you're implying. Is that the same reason they only just announced a Sam return?
#23 RE: Chris Wood Returns for 100th EpisodeZoya 2020-02-18 21:43
I think this is not a surprise to anyone, and hopefully it is just a brief cameo and nothing more. the fact that they tried to keep it quiet is a sign that they know how controversial this is / will be and want to keep the negative reactions limited. I would have also preferred more focus on the OG cast but what can you do.
+1 #22 RE: Chris Wood Returns for 100th Episodecomic fan 2020-02-15 12:28
And the behind the scenes pics from the 100th episode are starting.Check out David Harewood's Instagram for some already featuring Chris Wood.
+2 #21 RE: Chris Wood Returns for 100th Episodemuckle9999 2020-02-14 18:18
Quoting Romulus:
This is to be expected. Since the 100th is more of a "This is your life" type of episode, cast members (past and present) will either make an actual appearance or a cameo of sorts. Nonetheless, it's good news. ;-)

Yes it's good news. Just think how happy Melissa must feel. To have scenes with her now husband. It's a shot of pure joy for Melissa and Chris. Watch them shine. :roll:
+1 #20 RE: Chris Wood Returns for 100th Episodejacksc01 2020-02-14 16:33
I am happy to see MonEl back for the 100th episode. I do wish that James was in this show since he started out as the supergirl friends with Winn. I cannot lie MonEl is not one of my favorite characters and that has not changed. When he is in the show, he becomes front and center and Melissa takes a back seat. Plus when he is in the show dialogue that could be part of a sister conversation (couch scenes) become MonEl scenes. This happened in past shows where conversations between the two sisters was needed to bring a smooth closing for an episode and instead we had a MonEl conversation and just had to guess that the two sisters resolved their conflict (ex. When Alex and Kara argued over Kara questioning their father and we never saw any conversation where this was resolved between the two sisters). I am happy it is just for the one show and maybe a few guess appearances in future shows - but not as a regular.
+2 #19 RE: Chris Wood Returns for 100th EpisodeBrierrose 2020-02-14 16:31
Mon-El coming back isn’t unexpected and it’s IMO fitting. Like others I would love Cat but if Calista doesn’t want to travel to Vancouver there’s nothing anyone associated with the show can do. I suppose they could do some sort of video thing but to me if we can’t have an actual interaction it’s not worth it. I do at some point want a short mention of what Cat is up to. James would have been fitting but likely Mehcad was busy filming Mortal Combat. I’m perfectly happy with no Maggie as the character wasn’t really connected to Kara, that’s one thing they’re doing better about with Kelly. Alex and Maggie’s breakup was amical so IMO there’s no story left for Maggie.

I hope the cast had a blast filming this milestone episode.
#18 RE: Chris Wood Returns for 100th EpisodeCatPat 2020-02-14 16:21
Quoting vantheman77:
Chris Wood is on a roll with returning for Supergirl's 100th episode, voicing He-Man and Prince Adam for the upcoming animated film, and booked for Thirtysomething with Odette Annable.

... and his 2 part arc on Legacies that concluded this week. Hopefully, he fairs better on Supergirl.
+1 #17 RE: Chris Wood Returns for 100th EpisodeCatPat 2020-02-14 16:18
Quoting Kelly:
I figured he was going to come back and get Winn. It will be good to see the chemistry between Mon-el and Kara again.

Yes... Hopefully, the late season 2 chemistry and not the awkward season 3!
+1 #16 RE: Chris Wood Returns for 100th EpisodeRomulus 2020-02-14 16:05
This is to be expected. Since the 100th is more of a "This is your life" type of episode, cast members (past and present) will either make an actual appearance or a cameo of sorts. Nonetheless, it's good news. ;-)
+1 #15 RE: Chris Wood Returns for 100th EpisodeLibertyPrime 2020-02-14 15:44
Who cares about Mon-El--we get Agent Liberty back!!

Just kidding. I like Chris and Sam and look forward to seeing them. Odette as well. :-)

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