It's A Super Life Recap

It's a momentous occasion! The 100th episode of Supergirl is finally here! We remember more than 5 years ago seeing the first trailer for the pilot and to be here is such an incredible journey! We are kind of viewing tonight as a celebration! Thank you all for being with us these last five years, thank you for making our site such a wonderful place to share thoughts and opinions on The Girl of Steel and we are looking forward to the next (hopefully) 100 episodes! Now for the recap, here's what stood out to us.

  1. The Music: Pay special attention to the music on your second viewing of the episode. We didn't catch it the first time we watched but if you listen for it you can tell the music was done live and Blake really brought out some great emotions!
  2. Mxyzptlk: Mxy is back. His looks have changed but that is who he really is (Thomas Lennon). The old look was to get Kara to fall in love with him. In the end, Mxy was charged with a crime in the 5th dimensional court. He now has to use his powers for good and right all the people he wronged. He is visiting Kara as she is the last person he has to atone with. He gives her a chance to tell Lena she is Supergirl. The two begin to work backwards through time to discover the right moment to tell her.
  3. Attempt 1: Kara travels back in time to season 4 when Mercy Graves attacks L Corp. Kara tells Lena her secret, goes and deals with the invasion and when back, Lena has left. She has flown to Metropolis to visit with Sam. The two share their shock over the news. The attempt is aborted because Lena wasn't in National City when the atmosphere was flooded with Kryptonite and Kara dies.
  4. Attempt 2: Kara heads to when Supergirl asked Lena about Kryptonite. She reveals her secret and Lena doesn't take the news well. Then the Worldkillers begin their eclipse. Lena doesn't help defeat the Worldkillers and Mon-El and Winn remain and don't go to the future. Supergirl and Mon-El go to protect Reign's mother when Kara asks Mon-El's advice. Mon-El notes that he has a lot in common with Lena, they were both betrayed by their families. He notes that Kara deserves the compassion she offers everyone else. This attempt is aborted because Reign kills Lena and Mon-El.
  5. Attempt 3: Kara tells Lena who she is right at the beginning of their friendship. The two's friendship is strengthened and they begin to work together. They are able to change the world together. Coville's cult grows bigger and bigger which affects Ben Lockwood's family. They believe that if they jump off a barn Supergirl will save them. This creates a new Agent Liberty who is desperate to unmask Supergirl. He kidnaps Lena and Coville forces Kara to reveal her identity to the world. Agent Liberty then goes after all those who are close to Kara and kills them all. Obviously this attempt is aborted.
  6. Attempt 4: Kara and Lena are never friends. This is the darkest timeline. Unfortunately in this timeline, Lena has 5th dimensional energy dampeners. They can't escape. Lexo-bots patrol the city in a police state. Dreamer rescues Supergirl and takes Mxy and Supergirl to the tower. There, all the heroes gather; Mon-El, future Winn, Dreamer, Kelly, J'onn and Alex.It turns out Lena was captured and tortured by her mother. It made her go mad. Reign, Brainy and Hope robots are now Lena's enforcers. They attack the Tower. Winn takes Mxy to L Corp to find "The Hat's" Hat. J'onn takes on Reign and Supergirl goes to speak with Lena. She is now a Metallo and nearly kills Supergirl. Mxy is able to get to the hat in time and the timeline is restored.

In the final wrap up moments, Kara realizes through all these attempts that she needs to forgive herself and live with the consequences of her choices. Mxy is disappointed that he couldn't give Kara a better reality but she thanks him for her new perspective and he is released from his obligation. Mxy tells Kara that he is a better Imp now because he met Kara. Kara goes to Lena to share one last message. Lena can choose to forgive her and Kara will be there for her, or she can work with Lex and keep doing her plan, to which Kara will be there to stop her "just like any other villain". Lena's choices are now her own. We are left with a final scene with the original trio, Kara, Alex and J'onn. Kara flashes a smile kind of winking to the audience at this incredible achievement. El May Arah!

Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Executive Editor/Owner
About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"


+1 #71 RE: It's A Super Life RecapKelly 2020-02-28 20:21
Quoting Thalolli:
IMO it's pretty clear that they are completely warping the show around to better accommodate Lena. And it leads to things like Alex completely being shoved aside in the 100th episode. Lena is slowly eating the show up from the inside.

They have turned Lena into an "overpowered" character (remember how she just knew how to fly a Legion ship in season 3). Yeah, 100 episode had various characters appreciating how Kara made their lives better, but what about all the characters bending over backwards to give Lena a tongue bath?

And unlike Lockwood, Lena is not going to leave at the end of the season, so this is only going to get worse. This anniversary episode just perfectly shows how that is a bad thing.

Clearly this season has to end with Kara and Lena making up because Lena staying evil would be too depressing for a hopeful show like Supergirl. But with the writers so obsessed with making Lena the perfect inventor and magically good at everything, if she now knows the secret, what else is left than them warping around the show more and more just to accomodate her more? I wouldn't be surprised if by next season Lena will bankroll the tower. => So they ruined the DEO just because it wouldn't feel realistic for Lena to run the DEO considering that Lena dislikes government organizations? With the writers so obsessed with making Lena and her backstory and her angst the most important thing on the show, how is anything ever supposed to seem like a threat again?

The show is bending over backwards to accommodate Lena's character. I miss that show that was about Supergirl and her having a human sister, I'm not really extatic about the idea to that being rewritten to "Lena Luthor's Best Pal Kara Danvers".

I'm not sure that it is just Lens, it seems there is far more solo stuff happening for Supergirl and less need for sister in every single save. I'm fine with that...
+2 #70 RE: It's A Super Life RecapThalolli 2020-02-28 16:18
IMO it's pretty clear that they are completely warping the show around to better accommodate Lena. And it leads to things like Alex completely being shoved aside in the 100th episode. Lena is slowly eating the show up from the inside.

They have turned Lena into an "overpowered" character (remember how she just knew how to fly a Legion ship in season 3). Yeah, 100 episode had various characters appreciating how Kara made their lives better, but what about all the characters bending over backwards to give Lena a tongue bath?

And unlike Lockwood, Lena is not going to leave at the end of the season, so this is only going to get worse. This anniversary episode just perfectly shows how that is a bad thing.

Clearly this season has to end with Kara and Lena making up because Lena staying evil would be too depressing for a hopeful show like Supergirl. But with the writers so obsessed with making Lena the perfect inventor and magically good at everything, if she now knows the secret, what else is left than them warping around the show more and more just to accomodate her more? I wouldn't be surprised if by next season Lena will bankroll the tower. => So they ruined the DEO just because it wouldn't feel realistic for Lena to run the DEO considering that Lena dislikes government organizations? With the writers so obsessed with making Lena and her backstory and her angst the most important thing on the show, how is anything ever supposed to seem like a threat again?

The show is bending over backwards to accommodate Lena's character. I miss that show that was about Supergirl and her having a human sister, I'm not really extatic about the idea to that being rewritten to "Lena Luthor's Best Pal Kara Danvers".
#69 RE: It's A Super Life RecapBrandtm2 2020-02-27 14:55
Quoting Brierrose:
Quoting Kiwi:
Quoting Brierrose:
Ok, with real world constraints how would you have accomplished that. In show what would’ve prompted Kara to want to look back on her life, what would’ve been her motivation for that. Would you have connected the 100th to the rest of the season at all. Or would your preference have been for the 100th to be a BTS/retrospective/clip show with interviews with the actors. Like the special Arrow did before airing the final episode.

Apologies to you B, I could answer your questions but don't want to really spend too much thought time on it, I probably lean more towards thinking of ideas of what the episode could be about (considering the 1 year + of build up to it) and just let the show writers come up with the details.
Understood and fair enough. I sometimes forget that not everyone is as interested in logistics and details as I am. I like taking what’s wanted or could be and figuring out how to make it happen. Consider the matter closed.

I enjoyed the episode as it was done, but I think it could have been more about Kara's life. The motivation? She is very depressed over her deteriorating relationship with Lena, maybe depressed over something else and asking herself, "Have I done any good or am I a menace?" Then Mr. Mxyzptlk comes in and shows Kara what would have happened to Earth and the people she knows (Alex, Cat, J'onn, Lena etc.) without her and she realizes she is needed just like Jimmy Stewart in "It's a Wonderful Life".
#68 RE: It's A Super Life RecapBrierrose 2020-02-27 13:15
Quoting Kiwi:
Quoting Brierrose:
Ok, with real world constraints how would you have accomplished that. In show what would’ve prompted Kara to want to look back on her life, what would’ve been her motivation for that. Would you have connected the 100th to the rest of the season at all. Or would your preference have been for the 100th to be a BTS/retrospective/clip show with interviews with the actors. Like the special Arrow did before airing the final episode.

Apologies to you B, I could answer your questions but don't want to really spend too much thought time on it, I probably lean more towards thinking of ideas of what the episode could be about (considering the 1 year + of build up to it) and just let the show writers come up with the details.
Understood and fair enough. I sometimes forget that not everyone is as interested in logistics and details as I am. I like taking what’s wanted or could be and figuring out how to make it happen. Consider the matter closed.
+1 #67 RE: It's A Super Life RecapBrandtm2 2020-02-27 06:48
Apologies to you B, I could answer your questions but don't want to really spend too much thought time on it, I probably lean more towards thinking of ideas of what the episode could be about (considering the 1 year + of build up to it) and just let the show writers come up with the details.

Reflecting on before the episode screened where I was so wanting it to be one of my series favourites (in the Top 10) coupled with the excitement and anticipation of getting an episode about Kara and all her friends and acquaintances through the years, then to view it and see it centered on Lena Luthor was such a massive let down for me. Yeah I know I'm in the minority but that's just the way I felt. I guess one positive I can take is that there's a Series Finale to come and I have hope (like our girl does) the episode will be all about Kara/Supergirl all the way through.

Anyways it's time to move on, I'm looking forward to the remainder of Season 5 with some more nice Supergirl saves (it's what I crave), the development of Kara and William in both working together and maybe a little romance, some Kara and J'onn, some Kara and Alex. Plus my Supergirl Helen (Eliza) is coming soon and that always has me excited.

I'm in the same minority. I enjoyed the episode but don't like so much of the focus this year being on Lena. Sometimes the show is too much about Supergirl's antagonist. Last year it was Lockwood and before that Reign. Hopefully more future episodes will be all about Supergirl.
#66 RE: It's A Super Life Recapcomic fan 2020-02-27 06:35
Very cool little featurette.I'm hoping they have a featurette or something for the100th episode when the season 5 blu ray comes out next fall.
#65 RE: It's A Super Life RecapRomulus 2020-02-27 06:29
Quoting Kiwi:

Here's a short CW promotional video where the cast give their Super Moments from the 100 episodes thus far. I particularly liked Melissa's (even if my personal favourite moment of Kara's was from later on in that same episode she references), David's (such an awesome scene, A+ from both David and Chyler) and Jesse's (the best Brainy scenes with Kara).

This would've been good to play after the credits in the episode, that way I could've gotten some Season 1 scenes. It's actually kinda nice for me to see Melissa, David and Chyler choose Season 1 for their moments being my favourite season of the show.


Excellent find, Kiwi! Thanks for sharing. 8) ;-)
+3 #64 RE: It's A Super Life RecapKiwi 2020-02-27 02:50

Here's a short CW promotional video where the cast give their Super Moments from the 100 episodes thus far. I particularly liked Melissa's (even if my personal favourite moment of Kara's was from later on in that same episode she references), David's (such an awesome scene, A+ from both David and Chyler) and Jesse's (the best Brainy scenes with Kara).

This would've been good to play after the credits in the episode, that way I could've gotten some Season 1 scenes. It's actually kinda nice for me to see Melissa, David and Chyler choose Season 1 for their moments being my favourite season of the show.
#63 RE: It's A Super Life RecapKiwi 2020-02-27 02:34
Quoting Brierrose:
Ok, with real world constraints how would you have accomplished that. In show what would’ve prompted Kara to want to look back on her life, what would’ve been her motivation for that. Would you have connected the 100th to the rest of the season at all. Or would your preference have been for the 100th to be a BTS/retrospective/clip show with interviews with the actors. Like the special Arrow did before airing the final episode.

Apologies to you B, I could answer your questions but don't want to really spend too much thought time on it, I probably lean more towards thinking of ideas of what the episode could be about (considering the 1 year + of build up to it) and just let the show writers come up with the details.

Reflecting on before the episode screened where I was so wanting it to be one of my series favourites (in the Top 10) coupled with the excitement and anticipation of getting an episode about Kara and all her friends and acquaintances through the years, then to view it and see it centered on Lena Luthor was such a massive let down for me. Yeah I know I'm in the minority but that's just the way I felt. I guess one positive I can take is that there's a Series Finale to come and I have hope (like our girl does) the episode will be all about Kara/Supergirl all the way through.

Anyways it's time to move on, I'm looking forward to the remainder of Season 5 with some more nice Supergirl saves (it's what I crave), the development of Kara and William in both working together and maybe a little romance, some Kara and J'onn, some Kara and Alex. Plus my Supergirl Helen (Eliza) is coming soon and that always has me excited.
#62 RE: It's A Super Life RecapStewart Tick 2020-02-26 20:08
"One of the upcoming episodes is titled "Alex in Wonderland." I expect Eliza to make an appearance in that one."

Hmm.. wonder if they got that idea from me? :-)
I wrote a fan fiction story called "Kara In Wonderland" a couple of years back - and posted a link to it in the Forum.

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