Supergirl Episode 12 Season 5 Trailer

It may be three weeks away but we are here with you during the break! After the Superbowl, Supergirl will be back February 16th. We are in the middle of three episodes featuring our Winn Schott! We certainly learned a lot about Winn this episode (who was jokingly named Marty to keep his identity safe) but judging by the trailer for the next episode, Kara and William will take the center stage! Love is in the air for the two reporters! Check out the trailer below:

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Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"


#35 RE: Supergirl Episode 12 Season 5 TrailerThalolli 2020-02-02 08:28
And throughout the Arrowverse, even the most successful depictions of such relationships have suffered for being exploited for cheap drama. (Again, just my opinion.)
Yes, they all had their ups and downs BUT imo a lot of them were also responsible for some fan favorite moments and generally for a lot of emotional and meaty material. For example, Kara comforting Alex in season 2 when Alex first came out to her and Alex coming out to her mother were to me some of the best scenes for Alex and they came straight out of having a romantic relationship. Same for the episode with PSI in season 3 where Kara voiced her trauma over the thought that Mon-El might have suffucated in space because of her. Romance can provide for meaty scenes, it can provide for comedy, it can provide for situations where a character with superhero powers has to deal with situations they can't solve with raw strength.

I wouldn't want Kara to lose out on that part of humanity and I wouldn't want Melissa to miss out on the acting opportunities provided by those kind of storylines.

There must be a middle ground between a show turning into Gossip Girl and the attitude that all romantic scenes are like "yuck, cooties!".

To go with the "Captain Kirk" example again, the episode where Captain Kirk falls in love with Joan Collin's Edith Keeler is considered one of the best in Star Trek. Same for the episode where Captain Picard is stuck on a planet and goes through a lifetime there including a wife before it being revealed that the planet is long gone and he was just experiencing its memories.

Yes Star Trek also had many stories that didn't need romantic tension to create great and memorable episodes. But these particular episodes were memorable and gained an additional tragic tinge because they mixed romance in.
#34 RE: Supergirl Episode 12 Season 5 TrailerThalolli 2020-02-02 08:25
Quoting Kelly:
I want a relationship that does not eclipse everything . Kara had relationships throughout the comics, but they never took over the plot.

We are in agreement over that. I just happen to think that that is very possible, for relationships to be an organic part of a show or for romance to be an organic part of a character (for example: I wouldn't mind if rather than entering another relationship Kara instead had "Captain Kirk" romances or flirtations of the week for a while, not forever, but just to change things up;).
+1 #33 RE: Supergirl Episode 12 Season 5 TrailerKelly 2020-01-29 13:44
Quoting Thalolli:
There are many ways a story with William could be handled in a way I don't like, but imo as long as it is used to explore Kara and Kara's point of view there is a lot it could offer to Kara as a character. How a superheroine handles relationships IS an important question and and important aspect of a character. It definitely shouldn't be the only thing, naturally, but chopping off that aspect of a character just seems deeply wrong to me.

Love and Sex and Romance are a natural part of life, for both men and women. Why should Kara be cut off from that? Will that somehow cause her to get cooties? Why is it more "off topic" than showing Kara at game night? Is The Flash not a hero anymore just because has a love? Was Clark from Smallville not a hero just because he had relationships? Why don't people trust Kara as a character that she would be able to juggle it? She had romantic connections in the comics too, so why not on the show?

All that you have stated as far as relationships are correct, for real-life where there are no CW writers. As always I am MORE THAN HAPPY to be surprised by them. First half of Season 3 and 2nd half of Season 4 AND this Season thus far have been very nice surprises for me. Not sure where the Asexual discussion came from, hopefully not from my post because that is not what I want, I want a relationship that does not eclipse everything . Kara had relationships throughout the comics, but they never took over the plot.
#32 RE: Supergirl Episode 12 Season 5 TrailerCatPat 2020-01-29 10:49
Quoting Thalolli:
[quote name="CatPat"]I really like how post Crisis is going and I dont want to see that derailed

Season 1 was an excellent season in many people's views even though it had some romance aspects. Those weren't the the strongest aspects, but it ruined neither Kara's character nor derailed the overall plot. And season 4 had plenty of writing problems an many people's books so not having a romance is insurance for good writing whatsoever.

We KNOW that Kara is not an asexual because she has expressed sexual attraction for James and Mon-El. So since they missed the boat on that, I think it's starting to feel borderline wrong to act like this entire topic magically does not exist for her (heck even asexual people still have to deal with the "topic" even if their approach to it might be different).
This is one of those agree to disagree things and respect your opinion fan-to-fan. I don't think Kara is Asexual but she doesn't need a boyfriend to define her either. I get Arrowverse is a little soapy and Idon't mind Kara dating but it should not be distracting. The writers have let Alex make questionable decisions not in line with her character for the sake of Kelly. I don't want to see them do that with Kara. Season 1 was good but it main distraction was the forced romance between James and Kara. The chemistry was not there imo and that was the weak point of S1.

Kara has a lot to deal with post Crisis... which is a lot for the writers to balance.
+1 #31 Arrow Finale (Spoiler)CatPat 2020-01-29 10:33
I was pleasantly surprised to see Kara on the Arrow finale. I had read that Grant and Caity would be on it but I was not aware Melissa Benoist was also guesting.

I was also surprised Brandon Routh did not appear as he was a regular before jumping to Legends and home will be exiting soon too.

UPDATE: Ratings... The .3 demo for The Arrow finale did not hold, it adjusted down. Surprisingly, the finale drew few viewers than the last Supergirl which was up against The Grammys and preempted in LA for Kobe coverage. I assume delayed viewing may be higher than normal.
#30 RE: Supergirl Episode 12 Season 5 TrailerLibertyPrime 2020-01-29 06:53
Quoting Thalolli:
I don't think that the Supergirl writers are that bad as people claim (or rather: I think they have plenty of flaws that don't really have anything to do with not doing romance well) but even if they were, I would ask for them to hire more better writers who can do the character justice rather than seeing that as a reason why Kara the character shouldn't have certain storylines at all.

I'm glad that you seem excited for this angle to be explored. That's a good thing, and I don't want you to think I'm putting you down for it. :-)

I agree in theory that romance shouldn't be off the table, as it were. You make many valid points. That territory contains vast potential.

Obviously, I have far less faith than you in the writing room's ability to successfully realize that potential. And throughout the Arrowverse, even the most successful depictions of such relationships have suffered for being exploited for cheap drama. (Again, just my opinion.)

With all that said, this is the direction they appear to have chosen. I'll hope for the best, but I fear that I will have to enjoy the show despite that rather than because of it--just as I did with James and Mon-El. And, to be frank, most other relationships in the show.
#29 RE: Supergirl Episode 12 Season 5 TrailerThalolli 2020-01-28 21:04
Quoting CatPat:
I really like how post Crisis is going and I dont want to see that derailed

Season 1 was an excellent season in many people's views even though it had some romance aspects. Those weren't the the strongest aspects, but it ruined neither Kara's character nor derailed the overall plot. And season 4 had plenty of writing problems an many people's books so not having a romance is insurance for good writing whatsoever.

We KNOW that Kara is not an asexual because she has expressed sexual attraction for James and Mon-El. So since they missed the boat on that, I think it's starting to feel borderline wrong to act like this entire topic magically does not exist for her (heck even asexual people still have to deal with the "topic" even if their approach to it might be different).

Men and women are part of this world. They interact with each other. Sometimes sexual attraction or romantic yearning complicate those interactions (remember how when Winn was romantically interested in Kara and she didn't feel the same way but their friendship survived anyway?). Kara is not lacking in relationships with men that don't have this aspect (like neither her relationships with J'onn, Brainy or Lex are about that) nor in strong relationships with women. So why should those relationships with some sort of potential romantic tinge be the one type she isn't allowed to have?

I don't think that the Supergirl writers are that bad as people claim (or rather: I think they have plenty of flaws that don't really have anything to do with not doing romance well) but even if they were, I would ask for them to hire more better writers who can do the character justice rather than seeing that as a reason why Kara the character shouldn't have certain storylines at all.
+1 #28 RE: Supergirl Episode 12 Season 5 TrailerThalolli 2020-01-28 20:41
I don't see why "having a romance" means sacrificing a character. Romance is not a sin. Love and sex are a natural part of life. It's an unfair double standard against female characters that something that should be a non issue is treated like a big deal. Like they are being "tarnished" just for expressing love and desire.

A female hero shouldn't have to live up to the idea of being some sort of perfect virgin. Kara (or Alex) is not Jesus.

I'm not calling for Kara and William to be some sort of larger than life love story. They already explored melodrama love with Mon-El. They already explored yearning with James. I'm all for William to be something different. And considering that they haven't portrayed Kara as yearning for him since she met him, I'm very hopeful that whatever Kara and Will will be it will at least be a different flavor. And that's what I want for Kara to experience all kinds of different flavors of storylines.

Kara is a good looking friendly person. Getting asked out is a pretty natural part of life. As is trying to decide how to respond to it. And I'm excited to see how she deals with it considering what a complicated and different life she leads. We know her last relationship was tumultuous, we know from the Lena story that she has safety concerns about sharing some aspects of her life with other people. I wouldn't be surprised if Kara at this point decided that she is not ready for a bigger relationship. But I'm excited that going on dates and flirting might be part of her story again because those are new situations we haven't seen for a while.

Of course this story could go wrong, but so can many non-romantic storylines. And it's not like Supergirl hasn't bungled plenty of non-romantic storylines by losing the plot or petering out or going repetitive. Right now, seeing Kara happy at a karaoke date feels fresh and exciting to me, because we haven't seen that in a while or ever.
#27 RE: Supergirl Episode 12 Season 5 TrailerCatPat 2020-01-28 15:58
Quoting LibertyPrime:
Quoting Thalolli:
Why don't people trust Kara as a character that she would be able to juggle it? She had romantic connections in the comics too, so why not on the show?

Speaking only for myself, I would absolutely trust Kara as a character. It's the writing staff that has a terrible track record juggling it.

I agree. The writers need to think through what they write. Alex has made questionable choices in her role at the DEO for Kelly. They shouldn't sacrifice the character for romance. I really like how post Crisis is going and I dont want to see that derailed
+1 #26 RE: Supergirl Episode 12 Season 5 Trailermuckle9999 2020-01-28 15:41
Quoting LibertyPrime:
Quoting Thalolli:
Why don't people trust Kara as a character that she would be able to juggle it? She had romantic connections in the comics too, so why not on the show?

Speaking only for myself, I would absolutely trust Kara as a character. It's the writing staff that has a terrible track record juggling it.

I couldn't agree more with the both of you. Let's not forget how the lovely Melissa handled her performance on Broadway. She pretty much put the trust factor to bed. I believe there is nothing that she can't handle. Romance, comedy, drama, singing and dancing. Tee it up and she will hit it out of the park.

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